As I mentioned in a recent post, I like to do a daily walk with my camera. This is not just for photography reasons; it's also because getting out frequently with my camera has enormous benefits for my physical and mental wellbeing.
However, I do like to take some photos when I’m out. After all, this is why I take a camera along.
The difficulty is that I have become very familiar with my local surroundings so I can struggle to find something to photograph.
To combat this, I have recently tried a new approach.
As well as my usual subjects I have been taking photos of subjects that I might normally have passed without noticing.
I have been looking for images in places that I might otherwise have dismissed, or I have tried to find interest or even beauty in the mundane and ordinary.
On my morning walks with my camera I look for small scenes and challenge myself to look more deeply and observe.
Sometimes I have attempted to make some abstract images, although I need a lot of practice to get something worthwhile.

I don’t want to take pictures for the sake of taking pictures. I want to enjoy taking pictures. I want to be inspired by the subjects I find, or by the light, or by shapes and patterns.
I want to take pictures of subjects and scenes that challenge me to discover them, subjects that others may not bother with but which speak to me in some way.
Taking an approach like this has given my photography a new impetus and I am discovering that there are photographs to be found everywhere.
I just have to be open to looking more closely and allowing these hidden gems to reveal themselves to me.
Photography is not about looking for 'Instagramable' images, nor is it about being overly influenced by others and only taking images of popular or common subjects.
After all, it's hard to get an original sunrise!
No, photography is about enjoying the journey, following your own unique path, finding and capturing images that catch your attention and spark your interest.
The images above will not win any photography awards but they are the result of many hours of enjoyable time with my camera discovering my own hidden gems.
What about heading out and having fun discovering your own hidden gems?