About Wild Willow Ways
My name is Mary and I am delighted to welcome you to my blog site www.wildwillowways.com.
I started my blog to share my journey of returning to photography after an absence of many years, and to share with my readers the many insights and joys which this wonderful hobby has to offer. I hope that by sharing my journey I can be of help to anyone who is thinking of taking up photography, in particular if you are renewing your passion for the craft after a period of absence.
I have always had a love of photography but, as happens to many of us, the demands of life and work intervened, and I abandoned my interest for many years. Now, my passion calls me again and I welcome the challenge of learning new skills, perfecting techniques which I hadn’t previously mastered and enjoying a creative hobby that promises to take me in all kinds of new directions and provide me with a lot of joy and wonder as I open my mind anew to all that life has to offer.
Over the last number of years I have been involved in promoting health and wellbeing and have undertaken mindfulness training. I see a strong connection between photography and wellbeing and intend to explore this further by delving more deeply into the many and varied aspects of photography. I realise that this is the hobby that will help me to slow down a little, to become more observant, more attuned to what is going on around me, more attentive in life. Through my exploration of photography and wellbeing I would like to help others to discover how we can use photography to improve our physical and mental wellbeing.
As I embark on this exciting journey, it seems like a good opportunity to combine two loves, photography and writing, to chronicle my discovery path in a blog and to hopefully bring some inspiration to someone who is considering embarking on a similar path or to anyone who pauses for a moment to read my blog.
The name WildWillowWays is in memory of my beautiful cat, Willow (pictured here with her brother, Pickle) who was killed tragically. She was truly a free spirit, a gentle-natured cat who loved everyone and brought much joy to the household.
I also intend to take my camera along wild Irish (and foreign) ways, and to allow this photography journey to take me in all kinds of directions.
Thank you for sharing at least part of the journey with me.
To contact me please email wildwillowways@gmail.com
You might like to begin by checking out this post: https://www.wildwillowways.com/post/why-photography-is-good-for-your-wellbeing
or read my starter post: https://www.wildwillowways.com/post/the-journey-begins